Monday, September 28, 2009

The Hottest Trends in Emo Tattoos

    The Hottest Trends in Emo Tattoos

    Emo is all about showing your emotions on your sleeve. It is hard to show emotions in your clothes and shoes, but tattoos are the perfect way to let the world know who you are and what you care about. Emo tattoos are not the tattoos of the typical biker or skater. Knowing the trends in tattoos will help you stay ahead of the crowd and achieve that total emo look.
    Emo Star Tattoo

    Many emos like to have stars tattooed on their forearms. This is pretty typical for guys; this isn’t really a trend for the girls, as they like to have stars put on the backs of their necks. Usually, the tattoos are just outlines of stars and aren’t filled in.
    Since emos tend toward the intellectual side of things, tattooing the line from a favorite poem is a great way to “wear your emotion on your sleeve”. Some emos like to have stars tattooed around the words. Hard-core emos get very large tattoos across their chests or “sleeve tattoos” that cover the area from the wrist up to the elbow. These tattoos can reflect anything that is important to the emo and that tells the world what they are about. Shoulders are another popular place for emo tattoos. Again the tattoo is personal and while hearts, stars and skulls are popular, pretty much anything goes as long as you can explain how it reflects who you are. Be creative when designing your tattoos. The more unusual the tattoo, the more comments you’ll get.

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The Hottest Trends in Emo Tattoos

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Friday, September 18, 2009

Trendy Fashion Tips for Emo Girls 2009, 2010

    Trendy Fashion Tips for Emo Girls 2009, 2010

    It’s back to school time and your mom is nagging you to go shopping for some new clothes. She so totally doesn’t get the emo look and you are trying to be patient, but it’s hard. Use the word “TAJ” to help her understand. “T” is for thrift store, “A” is for accessories and “J” is for jeans.

    First of all, tell mom you need a trip to the best thrift store in town. You need a thrift store that is going to have tons of clothes from the 80’s. “Alligator” golf/polo shirts and cowboy shirts are staples for emo dressing. Vintage t-shirts with big print drawings are a great find, so grab any of those you see.

    Accessories are so important to emo style. Belts with the most ridiculous buckle you can find are so in this fall. Depending on your piercings, the more metal the better as far as emo accessorizing goes.

    The last piece of the basic emo wardrobe is a pair of skinny jeans. Preferably black, skinny jeans are such a part of emo style that it would be best to have a couple pairs of them. To change things up a little, high water pants are cool, too. If you spot a pair of those at the thrift store, grab them too.

    Being patient with your mom will go a long way in having her get on board with your emo styling. Give her enough info and she might even have fun helping you shop!

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Trendy Fashion Tips for Emo Girls 2009, 2010

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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Hot Emo Boy Hair

    This guy is rocking that cool emo hairstyle!

    With those super cute glasses, what a cutie emo

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Hot Emo Boy Hair

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Monday, September 14, 2009

Doing Emo T-Shirts

    Doing Emo T-Shirts - 2009-2010 Emo Style Edition

    Part of emo style is showing the world what you are all about. How you dress is a great way to creatively describe the inner you. The trendy emo way to do this is to wear shirts with different logos or sayings printed on them. Vintage shirts from the 80’s are the understated way to dress in emo style. You can find lots of emo T-shirts all over the web. Some of them have hearts, others of them try to describe what emo is, and some of them have emo band logos on them. Most are black, but if you are trying to get that trendy contrast with black skinny jeans, you can easily find pink emo T-shirts. Those work well with the current emo trends.

    The best place to find emo shirts that aren’t T-shirts is the thrift store. If that isn’t working for you, then look for plaid woven shirts at the mall. For the fall, these plaids should be primarily pink, red, turquoise, or, of course, black. Sweatshirts with hoods are another good find. Even better are corsets for the girls and vests for the guys. These are totally hot emo looks for the fall. The most popular corsets and the vests seem to be black. Guys should wear a black T-shirt under their vest. Have fun working on your emo look by having a variety of different shirts and hooded jackets. Several shirts and a pair of skinny jeans will give you an emo look that you’ll never get tired of!

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Doing Emo T-Shirts

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Saturday, September 12, 2009

Emo Girls

    Emo Girls

    The emo style is a really modern and individual way to dress, and you can have a lot of fun planning your emo wardrobe, makeup and hairstyles. You don't have to be fully immersed in the emo scene to enjoy listening to some of the bands and wearing related styles, but remember that anytime you adapt a different and rebellious style you may get comments from people, and some of these will likely be negative. You should always choose a style that you feel comfortable in and one that compliments your personality, and then even if people are rude to can just brush it off as you are beig true to yourself. The same goes for you as well, other styles are just as acceptable as emo, so don't be rude to people you think of as being unimaginative, preppy or shallow.

    There are some common themes in the style of emo, and this can be a good place to start planning your own emo look from. Emo hair is a big part of the style, and for girls this is a chance to get really inventive. Emo hair is always in good condition, with razor sharp choppy layers, so make sure you get a good professional cut before you start styling at home.


             The fringe is normally long, so it frames and drapes over the facebut you can do anything you like with the layers, and create interesting textures having a mixture of long and short layers. Emo hair is normally very straight and glossy, but if you have a longer style you can jazz this up a bit with curly, crimped or combed back sections, and tie up pieces with funky clips and hair grips. Straight braids and ponytails are not normally a feature of emo styles, but they can be combined as small parts of an overall style. Spiky hair is also common in emo hair, but these should be smooth and sleek, rather that the messy spikes of the punk style. In terms of colour the basic tone of emo style is jet black, but this is normally brightened up with lots of highlights or lowlights in a variety of funky colours including electric blue or green, neon pink and white blond.
    Emo clothes are split into two main styles, street style and glam. Street style is the short of thing you might wear to college or just round a friends house, tight dark jeans with funky belt, band t-shirt, black or stripy jumper/hoody, and canvas sneakers or skate shoes. Skirts are normally teamed up with stripy long socks or leg warmers, and pumps or sneakers. Glam style is what you would probably wear to a gig or night out, or if you are out to lunch with friends. Smart
    shirts with an edgy cut in black or a very bright colour, ties for that sexy/smart St Trinians look in contrasting colours and funky patterns, designer tight jeans and some killer black or red high heels or wedge shoes. Glam styles are always accessorized to the max, so go crazy with belts, bangles, necklaces, hairgrips, and badges - basically the works!

    An emo girl is a girl who likes to dress in emo fashion, has an emo(tional) personality and listens to emo music. (Such as Bright Eyes.) Emo girls like to hang out with other emo girls and emo boys. They are usually sad most of the time, do not smile very often, and just like emo boys, show no signs of self worth or self confidence whatsoever and will not make eye contact with you.

    An emo girl has very dark hair, either cut somewhere around their shoulder, or in the classic emo haircut, which is sort of short and spiky in the back with long sweeping bangs in the front. Their hair has to be very dark brown or black, or in some cases very light blonde as long as the cut is right. No matter what, it must be worn so that it is covering part of their face at all times. This is because emo girls tend to be shy and mysterious and don’t really want their face to show too much. They usually wear a lot of dark eyeliner and tend to have washed out skin.

    Most emo girls are vegetarians or vegans. Although some girls just dress in the emo style, most emo girls are sad; cry and write poetry a lot, and tend to cut their wrists. They usually hide this by wearing armbands or lots of happy colored bracelets.

    Their clothing consists of tight jeans, converse and dark colored tight shirts. They also might have a scarf on. They may a few have pins from shows on their jeans. They usually have at least a few piercings and wear lots of happy colored jewelry. Some wear horn rimmed glasses, some do not. They really don’t like it if you confuse them with a goth. Emo and goth are very different so don’t make this mistake.

    They are most likely to be seen at shows, looking completely sad and lost. Emo girls also love it when emo boys make out with each other (which they tend to do a lot).

    Just like Emo boys, they usually walk with their head down not making eye contact with anyone. Although most Emo kids are very sad and feel like the world hates them, they tend to understand what other Emo kids are going through.
    That girl over there in the corner with the dark hair, listening to Bright Eyes, and staring at the floor must be emo.

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Emo Girls

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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Emo Boys

    Emo Boys

    Is it just me, or are emo boys really hot at the moment? That combination of funky clothes, super stylish hair and 'I don't give a damn' attitude is so cool, and I never knew how good a little kohl could look on a guy - intense! Also I love that whole aloof yet vulnerable attitude as well that is so attractive, and those boys are smart too and not just interested in the latest lads mag, you can actually have a meaningful conversation with them!

    So how do you spot an emo boy then? Well firstly it's all about the hair. It should be straight, choppy, glossy and textured, with a long floppy fringe to frame the face. Black is the base colour for all emo styles, but most people get inventive with highlights/lowlights and big chunks of colour in anything from electric blue, neon pink, white blond to scarlet red. 

    Most emo boys are really in to spikes as well, so hairstyles will be textured, combing smart razor sharp layers with spikes and sweeping fringes. Emo hair is always well styled and in tiptop condition, and scruffy, badly dyed hair in garish colours is more punk than emo. Secondly emo boys love their clothes and this can range from serious emo music lovers who wear band t-shirts, tight dark jeans and classic emo black hoodies, to seriously glam emo boys who love to dress up in sharp shirts and ties, normally in contrasting colours like black and red, and also lots of accessories including belts, studs and bangles. Emo boys are not shy of using a little make up too, and a smudge of kohl round big dark eyes is incredible sexy, and dark nail polish really suits those boys with strong, elegant hands. It can be tempting to go over the top with make up though, and too much eyeliner is straying into Goth territory and is a bit more scary than sexy!
    If you fancy an emo boy, its best not to rush straight up to him and ask him out, instead subtly find out what he is interested in from friends, and look for clues such as band names on his bag or t-shirt. Once you know a bit about him you can start up a meaningful conversation, emo boys are often pretty thoughtful and deep, and don't tend to want to talk about inconsequential things like what was on TV last night and general gossip. It is especially important do to some research if you are not emo yourself, and making sure you are up on the scene will mean you have something intelligent to bring to the conversation. Also try not to babble on as he will likely find this a bit shallow and irritating. Keep it cool and friendly to start with and don't pressure him by following him around and staring at him all the time. A few flirty smiles when you happen to see him and a quick hello can be much more effective then running up to him everywhere he goes, as it will keep a little mystery and make you interesting rather than annoying. It doesn't hurt for you to go to a few gigs you think he might also attend, as this will show him you have things in common and will give you a chance to get to know each other in a neutral setting, but don't stalk him around everywhere he goes as this will totally freak him out!
    Most importantly try and be yourself. Whether you are emo or not, pretending to be interested in something is impossible to keep up for any length of time, and can make you look really fake and shallow. It is ok to learn more about what the boy you like is into, and you may find you like some aspects too, but keep things real and don't be afraid to disagree sometimes, as this can make for some really stimulating conversations, and emo's love to debate on all things especially music and identity.

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Emo Boys

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The History of Emo Haircut Styles Fall Winter 2009-2010

    The History of Emo Haircut Styles Fall Winter 2009-2010 Edition

    These days, there is a wide variety of hairstyles and looks to choose from. One of the most popular styles among the younger generation is Emo. Emo is a certain style that tends to match a certain style of music. Those who like the Emo style tend to like darker type music and a darker look. The hairstyles that match this style are darker and choppier. There can be layers used and the hair is usually dyed black.
    Emo Guy Hair

    The younger generation has really latched on to this particular style. Black eye liner and black t shirts are also associated with this look. You will also find longer bangs that typically cover the eyes. Trends are popping up all over the world. Each day, there seems to be a new hairstyle created. The Emo style has been around for years and it does not seem to be dying down. Try out this style and see for yourself!
    Photo/JasonRogersFooDogGiraffeB ee

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The History of Emo Haircut Styles Fall Winter 2009-2010

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Monday, September 7, 2009

10 Steps to the Perfect Kiss

    10 Steps to the Perfect Kiss

    You're looking into their eyes and they're gazing back. You both move in for the kiss... pause. Not to worry though. With these 10 steps, every kiss from the first to the next will be picture perfect.

    Step 1. Look into your partners eyes.
    In anticipation of a kiss or to initiate a kiss, start by gazing into your partners eyes. Have you heard the phrase that the eyes are the windows to a persons soul? It's true. When you gaze into your partners eyes, you'll learn their true feelings, emotions, and intentions. In an intimate situation, gazing into your partner's eyes sends an intimate message, letting them know that you want to get closer.

    Step 2. Smile.
    A small, suggestive small does wonders. If you want to find out if you're partner is interested, sending a suggestive smile will do the trick. If you get a smile back, you're good to go. If not, or if your partner looks down or away, you probably want to back off.

    Step 3. Lean in closer.
    Now that you know you're about to kiss, it's time to move in. To avoid awkwardness, move slowly. Moving in too fast can make your partner uncomfortable. As you move in, make sure that you're in a comfortable position.

    Step 4. Engage in light touching.
    Men: A nice touch (literally!) to the perfect kiss is to lightly touch her face as you move in. A light touch such as this promotes the feeling of intimacy between the two of you.

    Step 5. Tilt your head.
    Now that you're moving in, it's time to make sure that you're aligned with your partner. You want to tilt your head slightly so that your lips are lined up and there's no chance of a missed kiss. Watch as you tilt to make sure that your partner has already tilted.

    Step 6. Relax your lips.
    Make sure that your lips are relaxed and not tightly pressed together. The perfect kiss is pleasant, with your lips softly pressed together.

    Step 7. Moisten your lips.
    Lightly moistened lips make for a better kiss, so keep lip balm close. You obviously won't be able to whip out the lip balm when you're "in the moment", so prepare ahead of time. This is true for both men and women. If you're caught off guard, a quick lick of the lips will work for women. Men, you want to keep your lips a bit drier, so don't lick. Both men and women need to tread carefully here. Lips that are moistened too much can make for sloppy, slobbery kisses, while lips that are too dry make for unpleasant, rough kisses. Women, you may also want to wear a brighter red lipstick. Experts agree that the red lipstick sends sexual messages to men and is a perfect addition to the perfect kiss.

    Step 8. Close your eyes.
    Close your eyes as you're about to make contact. Some people feel awkward if their partner's eyes are open. Besides, you'll end up with a much more passionate kissing experience if you close your eyes and let the sensations drive you.

    Step 9. Part your lips.
    Now that your lips are relaxed, part them slightly as you begin contact. Don't open them too much or your partner may feel that you're 'swallowing' them. Don't keep them too closed either though because your partner may get the impression that you're not as 'in' to this kiss as they are.

    Step 10. The kiss.
    It's finally time for impact! Gently touch your lips to theirs and you have the perfect kiss. Be sure not to pull away too quickly. You want to take your time and enjoy it! When you do finally pull away, look your partner in the eyes again. A smile, an embrace, or a whisper letting them know that you enjoyed it are a nice way to end a kiss.

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10 Steps to the Perfect Kiss

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